Thursday, July 7, 2011

Use LinkedIn for Recruiting Employees

LinkedIn and other social networking sites are advantageous for employers who use them for both networking and recruiting. I am increasingly receiving email notes from my LinkedIn contacts asking me to refer potential employees or help them make a contact for hard-to-fill positions.

The potential for LinkedIn and other social networking sites to play a major role in your employee recruiting strategy increases as millions of potential employees profile themselves on these sites each year.

It's not enough anymore to post a job vacancy on,,, or other online job boards. Employers are spammed with hundreds of resumes from unqualified applicants when they post on big boards. I have still found great candidates through these job boards, though, so continue to utilize them as a part of your recruiting mix. Just recognize, that as the online social networking world is expanding, there are better ways to recruit superior employees. [Read more]

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